We are A Great Place to Study

We are proud to hold the GREAT PLACE TO STUDY certification, making us the first educational institution in Santander, the first outside of Bogotá, and only the ninth in Colombia to obtain this international recognition. This certification represents a tangible testiment to the happiness of our educational communities, and is a badge of honor awarded to institutions only after thorough analysis of scientific data.

boy playing drum happiness newport school

Best Saber Test

In the 2017 Saber Tests, our 3rd-grade students took first place in Calendar A, and 3rd place in Calendar B in Bucaramanga. This provides parents with a great deal of confidence in the success of our educational project, where students are truly motivated to understand and create real solutions; creating citizens with skills for the 21st century.

 Three elementary school children studying in their classroom at the Country headquarters, Newport School.

Santander Innovators Prize

In 2017, the Bucaramanga Chamber of Commerce awarded Newport School the Santander Innovators Prize in the Education category. This award, the most prestigious in the department, recognizes our school's work in the "Classroom Projects" program, developed with the objective of maintaining children's interest in knowledge and in continuous learning.

 Carolina Charry, first rector of Newport School, receiving from the hand of three executive men, the award given to Newport School by the Bucaramanga Chamber of Commerce
