International Curriculum from Pre-school with active and participatory learning.
Dual Degree: Colombian Diploma and American High School Diploma
Icontec ISO 9001 Certification - Cañaveral Headquarters
Icontec ISO 9001 Certification - Sede Ruitoque
Yale University's Emotional Intelligence Program.
We are a Cognia accredited school. This accreditation is a valuable mark of distinction recognized around the world, allowing us to ensure that we are one of the schools whose systems exemplify excellence in education and excel in their service to students.
In the 2017 Saber Tests, our third grade students ranked first in calendar A and third in calendar B in Bucaramanga, which was a guarantee of success for our educational project.
In 2017, the Bucaramanga Chamber of Commerce awarded us the Santander Innovators Award, in the Education category, the most important award in the department, where the work of our institution was recognized for the proposal "Classroom Projects".
Kindergarten: Calle 31 No 29 – 126 Detrás del CC Caracolí
Elementary & High School: Ruitoque Bajo Km3 vía Acapulco Ramal, Hacienda Trinitarios 600m adentro
Phone: PBX (607)6185011 Cañaveral Campus Ext. 1400
/ Ruitoque Campus Ext. 1416 -1401
Newport School © 2025
Newport School is part of the Cognita family of Schools
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