Estudiante aprendiendo a través de juego

HighScope: Active and personalised learning

The HighScope curriculum is an educational model based on active learning, where children are the protagonists of their own learning process. In this approach, students explore, investigate and solve problems by interacting with the world around them. In this way, teachers are guides who plan practical activities and stimulate children’s curiosity.

This model fosters integral development, promoting cognitive, social and emotional skills. In addition, it adapts to the pace of each child, respecting their particular interests and needs, promoting an inclusive and meaningful education.

Plan - Do - Review

The Plan-Do-Review is an especially effective time for teachers to observe, document and support children’s approaches to learning. Teachers then use this information about individual children’s learning to inform their plan for the next day and beyond.

Docente y estudiante chocando las manos

Plan - Planear

The Plan Do Review approach is central to the HighScope curriculum as it structures children’s learning. It allows students to plan activities according to their interests and goals.

Niño organizando bloques

Do - Hacer

Once the students have planned, they proceed to carry out the activities. This process activates their curiosity and provides them with opportunities to explore, experiment and learn hands-on.

Niña acostada leyendo

Review - Revisar

After executing the activities, students reflect on their experience. This cycle fosters autonomy, critical thinking and self-regulation, essential skills for their holistic development and future success.

How do we implement HighScope in our school?

Through a variety of activities, children are the protagonists of their own educational process, exploring and discovering as they interact with their environment. We will see examples of planning, implementation and reflection, where teachers guide students through each stage of the Plan Do Review. This practice not only fosters autonomy and critical thinking, but also helps children develop social skills essential for their holistic growth. Don’t miss it!

Benefits for our students

Creative Solutions

It encourages the search for interesting and varied solutions, developing critical thinking.

Autonomy and Expression

It encourages autonomy and self-expression, allowing children to make decisions and share their ideas.

Social Skills

It promotes peaceful and creative relationships, helping children to interact and collaborate with others effectively.

Self-improvement and self-esteem

Strengthens self-esteem and resilience, enabling children to overcome difficulties in a positive and creative way.

Learning environments

Docente enseñando arte a estudiantes

Art area

In this space, children have the opportunity to create their own artistic projects, interact with materials and textures, and let their imagination and creativity run wild. In addition, they are given the freedom to explore their own interests and styles, which contributes to building their self-esteem.

Niño jugando con juguetes

House area

Through role-playing, students have the possibility of representing family dynamics, finding spaces for interaction with other peers, which promotes healthy relationships and allows the teacher to learn more about the reality of each of the children.

Niño sonriendo junto a fichas de armar

Block area

Playing with blocks helps to develop logical thinking, simple problem solving and spatial location in 3 dimensions. It also allows children to initiate projects that over the course of days become structures that make sense in the student’s thinking.

Niña sonriendo mientras lee libro

Writing area

In this space there is iodine, the material with which the student can do spontaneous writing or practice the first steps to the consolidation of writing. This environment is designed to encourage active learning and confidence in your writing process.

Niños en biblioteca

Books area

In this space they start by reading images and later they can share reading full texts. Here the interactive read aloud becomes meaningful and the teacher, as facilitator, offers a profound experience in language development.

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