Our Project Based Learning (PBL) teaching model is based on the use of authentic and real projects, based on a highly motivating and immersive task or problem, directly related to a context. Students develop competencies in a collaborative approach in search of solutions. This allows them to connect learning to the real world, develop deep content knowledge and strengthen critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and communication skills.
In addition, it is important because it connects learning to the real world, students develop deep content knowledge, as well as critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and communication skills.
A PBL project is based on a meaningful problem, question or challenge that encourages exploration and increases motivation, providing space for elaboration and learning.
Students in PBL engage in rigorous research that includes inquiry, analysis and application. They spend time finding resources, synthesizing results and developing solutions, ensuring deep and meaningful learning.
Authentic projects connect students to real contexts, 21st century skills and relevant issues in their lives. They also create links to communities, breaking down the barriers of a traditional classroom and offering unique experiences.
It allows students to decide what to create and how to express it. This autonomy strengthens their sense of ownership, motivates them to work harder and involves them deeply in the development of their projects.
A well-designed project includes moments for reflection. This allows students to adjust their work, learn from experience and grow in their skills as they continually improve their project.
PBL encourages constructive feedback. Students revise and improve their work through critique, creating opportunities for collaboration and achieving more refined, high-quality final products.
Students share their work with an external audience, making their learning tangible. This fosters quality work, develops communication skills and strengthens ties with parents and external communities.
In each academic period, our students develop a project where they display their initiative and taste for learning, develop scientific ways of thinking, find solutions to their questions, put their social skills into practice, express their findings aesthetically and value their processes. Students take an active role and promote academic motivation.
Strengthens skills such as communication, collaboration and critical thinking.
Meaningful projects increase interest and connection to learning.
They explore real problems, apply knowledge and generate practical solutions.
They make decisions, express unique ideas and take ownership of their learning.
Kindergarten: Calle 31 No 29 – 126 Detrás del CC Caracolí
Elementary & High School: Ruitoque Bajo Km3 vía Acapulco Ramal, Hacienda Trinitarios 600m adentro
Cellphone: PBX (607)6185011 Sede Cañaveral Ext. 1400
/ Sede Ruitoque Ext. 1416 -1401
Newport School © 2025
Newport School is part of the Cognita family of Schools