Write us your doubts or ask for the information you need, we are here to help you.
Tell us what you didn’t like about our service, your opinion helps us to be better.
If something didn’t meet your expectations, let us know. We want to fix it with you.
Share your ideas or recommendations, your input inspires us to keep improving.
Let us know what you liked, it motivates us to know that you had a positive experience with us.
It is important for us to respond in a timely manner to your requests, to know your concerns, suggestions, compliments or complaints about our processes. This allows us to advance in our continuous improvement and to guarantee our families the strengthening of our processes.
We want to continue to grow together and strengthen our processes, so we invite you to follow the steps below and let us know your PQRS.
For more information, please send an email to: experiencia@newportschool.edu.co
Kindergarten: Calle 31 No 29 – 126 Detrás del CC Caracolí
Elementary & High School: Ruitoque Bajo Km3 vía Acapulco Ramal, Hacienda Trinitarios 600m adentro
Phone: PBX (607)6185011 Cañaveral Campus Ext. 1400
/ Ruitoque Campus Ext. 1416 -1401
Newport School © 2025
Newport School is part of the Cognita family of Schools
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